Paul Misipeka

Paul works with small businesses in the defined Cyclone Jasper impacted region.

Contact Paul

Phone: 0448 307 635

About Paul

Paul deeply understands the challenges of entrepreneurship. As the founder and director of a company that grew over 18 years from one employee to 50 full time staff operating in 10 regional Queensland and NSW towns, he won multiple Telstra state and national awards for his intelligent and innovative ways of growing his business.

Recently employed with global management services leader Deloitte, as a business adviser, typifies Paul’s business consultant expertise, specialising in small business financial turnaround and business startup and growth strategies. Paul has consulted regional and remote small businesses in Central Western Queensland and Far North Queensland.

Paul has qualifications in business management and project management.

Beyond his public sector endeavours, Paul is deeply committed to giving back to the business community. He currently serves as a co-founder and director on the board of a charitable organisation dedicated to supporting and educating entrepreneurs, reflecting his passion for nurturing talent and fostering a culture of innovation.

With a multifaceted background encompassing leadership, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy, Paul brings a wealth of expertise and a steadfast commitment to driving positive change within the Queensland business ecosystem.

As an expert in recovery, he has the depth and capacity to assist those who are experiencing a decline in their business financial situation.

Support for disaster impacted small business - TC Jasper

Dedicated support is available for North Queensland small businesses in defined disaster areas that experienced direct or indirect disaster impacts from Tropical Cyclone Jasper and associated flooding from 13 to 28 December 2023, to re-establish operations, maintain employment, and become more resilient for future disaster events.

The program provides additional small business wellness coaches and financial counsellors in impacted areas.