How we help

We deliver free, local financial counselling and wellness coaching that can help your agribusiness or small business pull through adversity and plan for the future.

Real support when you need it most.

Financial Counsellors can help with understanding your finances, accessing government assistance, identifying risk, dealing with debt, succession planning, business plans and anything else to do with your rural or small business that you may require assistance with.

A Business Wellness Coach provides one-on-one, customised emotional coaching support to you personally, assisting you to address stress impacts and helping you move forward.

Our team is based across the North Queensland region and can meet clients virtually or travel to meet in-person at an agreed location.

Find out more how we can help you through our programs below.

How can we help you?

  • Agribusiness.

    A Rural Financial Counsellor can provide free, local support to help your agribusiness pull through adversity and plan for the future.

  • Small Business.

    A Small Business Financial Counsellor can provide free, local support to help small business plan pull through adversity and plan for the future.

  • Business Wellness Coaching.

    A Business Wellness Coach provides one-on-one, customised support for your personal wellbeing so you can manage the demands of your business.

  • Disaster Recovery.

    Dedicated financial counsellors and wellness coaches are available to provide free support for rural and small business impacted by Cyclone Jasper and NQ flooding.

  • Farm Business Planning North Queensland.

    A Farm Business Planning Officer can assist farmers and graziers across all commodities in planning for the future.

  • Make the connection.

    Not sure where to start? Get in touch to discuss your situation and we can connect you with a Financial Counsellor or Business Wellness Coach.

Our service area

Our large and diverse region covers the local government areas north of and including Isaac, Barcaldine, Longreach and Barcoo.

Our team are available to service any client within this area.