Small Business Financial Counsellor
Murray Walton
Based in Cairns, Murray works with small businesses throughout the Cyclone Jasper impacted region.
Contact Murray
Phone: 0447 754 739
About Murray
Murray has more than 15 years’ experience in accounting public practice and has held CFO positions in a range of local corporations, councils, and businesses, is a registered tax agent and has several years’ experience as a small business owner. In this time, he has had vast experience analysing business and environmental data. He can assist business owners to better understand their business performance, risks, strategies, operational decisions, and opportunities.
Murray has worked with business owners to generate business financial records, assist with government and ATO compliance requirements, employer responsibilities and other regulatory requirements.
He aims to educate, empower, and provide ongoing support to individuals and business owners to help improve their business practices and achieve their personal and financial goals.
Murray is a current member of CharteredAccountants ANZ and has qualifications in accounting, IT and financial counselling.